Monday, June 04, 2007

Quote of the Day

Anonymous Intern describing a previous work experience (not related to his LAJC summer internship whatsoever): "I was so bored I'd find myself staring at the wall and I had no idea for how long. It was like I just woke up except my eyes were open."

Later, a Talkative Intern is on the phone having conversation with landlord's agent. While on hold, he asks the other interns: "Is it normal to have to pay your rent before you actually move in?"

Some moments pass and Talkative Intern asks the agent on the other line: "When is the rent due again?. . . Oh ok, yesterday afternoon. Well, I guess I'll drop it off later today."

Next, in a different conversation, Occasional Boiler Room Intern asks: "Who wants to dance with sketchy guys anyway?"

"Me!" Random Intern replies.

1 comment:

Anonymous Boiler Room Lackey said...

Anonymous Intern, Random Intern, and Talkative Intern are all the same person. He just has identity issues.