Friday, June 01, 2007

Big Lie Not Such a Big Lie

Apparently a rumor is going around that the end of summer skit is
nothing more than a farce - a joke to scare the interns that never
actually gets played out. This is no lie, my fellow lackies. As a
member of last year's lackey class, I can tell you that there was a skit
indeed. And it was great. And it included singing. And we most
definitely did not make fun of Alex, which would have been a huge
mistake for our collective careers.

So get those creative juices flowing - the heat of the boiler room can
be very good for that.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like Alex posted it feigning intern-dom

dissident boiler room lackey said...

Sounds to me like a former intern trying to 'earn' a more positive recommendation / reference from the LAJC staff. If true, it's really a shame.

Hopefully these aren't the kind of professional ethics they learned working at LAJC. More likely, it's something they've picked up at their 2L-summer internship with some big law firm. At least that's what I'm hoping.

dissident boiler room lackey said...

After reviewing the comments to the original Big Lie post, it's clear that my earlier guess was right. The Boilermaster himself admits that last year's interns DID NOT produce a skit. Whoever created this post is clearly not to be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Take this from a class of 2007, soon to be barred, real-life legal aider (not to be discredited as some sellout) - 2005 LAJC Summer Interns rocked the lobby with some creative moves. We chose interpretative dance rather than a spoken word skit, and not only that but we performed it twice - once for each going away lunch we had. That's right - we were so HOT, they had to encore it. Mel's soul food times two. It's worth it folks. Get out there and shake some booty.

AND PS - while 2006 may not have performed any sort of theatre or dance, they did in fact form this blog, so I think they can be excused. You however, may not be so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Skit07 is on!

btw The BoilerMaster doesn't post anonymously . . .