Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Indecent Proposal

In response to the anonymous intern, who so callously turned down my gracious invitation for T.V. Viewing:

Bodily harm should pale in comparison to an evening of T.V. with two lovely female interns.... regardless of the program in question.

-Gregarious part-time lackey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let the record show that the offer was only extended after the male's efforts to engage the LAJC intern community in a simultaneously intellectually stimulating, team building, and socially enjoyable experience that is Trivia Night at Mellow Mushroom were systematically undermined and that the offer was best understood as some sort of pity induced consolation. Let the record also show that the male was being invited to "Dance Dance Revolution: the TV Show" which like any good emo song was created primarily to induce otherwise healthy people to cut themselves.