Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lost the motion, but won the case!

Judge didn't let us join the county, because he thought it was the plaintiff's motion to make. But, the uber-liberal defenders of the indigent in the boiler room succeeded in staving off possession and a monetary judgment. Go us! Celebrating at Skybar!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013


The team celebrates a successful trial, because we're awesome.

Trials scheduled!

Look we did get you into the courtroom! And more trials scheduled before the end of the summer. Looks like someone's practice certificate is more useful than Terrel's hanging in our office.

Live tweets from the courtroom...

One of our own is ready to serve justice. Two hearings and a trial today. Go Highlander!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

I can haz cupcake!

Despite some people here not providing birthday cupcakes for everyone yesterday, we have cupcakes today. They're not homemade, but they're still awesome.