Monday, July 31, 2006

it's hot outside too

In a fit of empathy with the boiler room, the entire east coast (dare I
say the entire country) has decided to get really really really freaking
hot. I would have preferred the opposite - that the boiler room got
cooler to match the rest of the world, but beggers can't be choosers.

Quote of the day

“I can’t BELIEVE she made fun of my cantalopes.” – Sad and outraged anonymous intern

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I don't miss you either

No, really, I don't. There are ponies here... and giraffes.

Friday, July 21, 2006

poooooool paaaaaarty!

We're heading out to the pool today to cool down a little bit.

Most of the office is betting that Mike is going to win the water slide
contest, and they are probably right.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'd love to see a panda

Things in the boiler room are HOT, and I mean hot. Forecast for today: 99 degrees, and 0% humility. That's right. But every now and then I get to break free from this dungeon of a sweat shop. Yesterday Timmy took us to see the dinosaurs! And next week he is taking us to see the ponies!

What's next? I'd love to see a panda. I hear they aren't paid overtime.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

it's hot outside too

In a fit of empathy with the boiler room, the entire east coast (dare I say the entire country) has decided to get really really really freaking hot. I would have preferred the opposite - that the boiler room got cooler to match the rest of the world, but beggers can't be choosers.

Monday, July 17, 2006


So, Nashville's sort of bored. They guy that used to sit in the cubicle next to me left to do Border Patrol (Natl. Guard), and there's nothing in court for me to watch today.

Did you all get the classes that you wanted? Or do you know yet? Any other interesting tidbits - anything at all????

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Boiler Room ladies want this man to be our boyfriend.

Kovach. It rhymes with watch.

guess we won't be blogging during class ...

Paragraph from article in the June 26
National Law Journal:

Many institutions, including the University of Michigan Law School and the
University of Virginia School of Law, have implemented mechanisms to limit
Internet access in their classes. This is accomplished by either setting up
wireless Internet blockers, allowing professors to regulate it via hardware
or software installed in the classrooms, or by software installed on the
wireless network that knows when a student is in class, and regulates

Here's the story:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

chair found!

My chair was found in the office of a co-worker who is to remain
anonymous. This worker denies having responsibility for taking my
chair, but I have other ideas... but I won't press them. All I can say
is that I'm elated to be back sitting in "Old Glory," the chair of
chairs. Watch all of the other interns eat my dust as my productivity
rises while my backside relaxes.

After that last post, it's a good thing there weren't any of these around:

Monday, July 10, 2006

where the hell is my chair!

The one thing that made the boiler room bearable was my chair! And now
it is gone! Where oh where can my chair be?

Who wrote that last post?

I don't remember working with anyone who may have moved to nashville and ditched us so cold-heartedly. Surely no one like that ever worked in the sweat shop that we call the boiler room.

Whoever you may have been, you have been replaced by a new boiler room lackey who is most likely far cooler than you.

Shucks... we miss you, ok.

Did You Think I Forgot Ya'll?

Boiler Room is the New Sweat Shop

So, after 2 weeks of breaking the promise to continue blogging, the Nashville chapter of the boiler room would like to say HI!!!!

To show that I have been thinking of you all, here are a couple of tidbits:

FIRST: Mapquest has added an "Add a Stop" feature that I think Google Boy will find to be a good replacement for the oft-missed "Plan a Roadtrip" tool.

SECOND: This for all the VAL-gals -

I read this and thought of you.

THIRD: R-Cubed - I think I emailed you back, but since I am just using WebMail, I sometimes wonder who I have emailed, and who just received the "mind-draft" rather than an actual email. In case it's the former, and in case you don't have telepathy, I would like to say that the Seminar in Ethical Values courses are good because you do somewhat regular-person reading, rather than lawyer reading. You also go to a prof's house every week, and I think there is usually food involved. At least that's what I am banking on. Anyways, it's only a credit for the whole year, but who doesn't like to sit around, eat, and discuss real world issues with a bunch of law geeks? I mean, if that's not a boiler room boon, then what is? I have signed up for one (yes, by 11:59 p.m. last night). I wish you all luck with playing the LawReg Dice Game. It does not get easier, even when you know that you will probably get everything you want because you get to go first.

FOURTH: On my first day here, my boss asked me if I knew how to use WestLaw. The insult was 2-fold. (1). I am the LEXIS lady!!!!! and (2) He meant that word "Westlaw" to be generic for "can you do legal research?" Ouch. We've moved beyond that initial sting, and I quite like the job, but that first moment made me wonder if I would be crying for the Boiler Room every moment of this 6 weeks.

All right - That's it for now. Although, I do have one question for Google Boy - What's the deal w/Grad-Lev - are they going to give me suggestions on my other loans too? Cause I've got nothing!

Friday, July 07, 2006

notes from afar

The away team of the boiler room is enjoying time here in western maryland... there is actually a new member of the boiler room joining us, hoping to crank the temperature of the room up a few degrees.

Will she be able to replace our lost intern? Where will the new intern sit? Will the intern at the buffet move to the table in an attempt to create a rigid boiler room hierarchy? Only time will tell in such dramas.

stay tuned for updates....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

quote of the day

from an attorney while discussing a case with 2 impressionable law student interns:

"we are not constrained by any ethical obligations."

lawyers without borders

Why stop with helping americans? or humans, for that matter?

One of our supervising attorneys will shortly be helping to mediate the human–elephant conflict (HEC) in sri lanka. (This is a conflict between humans and elephants, not a conflict involving elephants who are human.) Although much attention has been given to the other animal conflict in sri lanka (something about tigers?), amazingly little has been said about the elephants who are struggling against the human occupation.

Our attorney will be helping by measuring the dung of said elephants. Let us first say that we are extremely proud to be working with such a broad-minded, caring person, and we praise his initiative and sacrifice. You can't help but admire someone who chooses, for the sake of creature-kind, to measure dung during his hard-earned vacation.

But...what are we supposed to tell his clients during the month that he's away?? "Sorry, we can't help you with your Section 8 housing voucher because...?" Suggestions, let us know. We'll be brainstorming, too.

Monday, July 03, 2006

where did everyone go?

I thought we were supposed to be a hard and dedicated staff of people
willing to change the world regardless of the risks or pay. The boiler
room is surprisingly empty today - only one soul to hold the fort down
and fight the good fight for justice and the American way.

I'll just assume that everyone is out on assignment, scoring one for the
little guy.