Monday, June 11, 2007

End to De Facto Segregation???

So under the guise of "remodeling" the boiler room to make more workspace for the interns, the male interns mysteriously are the only ones with a different workspace. They work diligently at their new desks, spreading out their work, with easy access to the phone and plenty of sunlight from the convenient location, while their counterparts labor arduously at the same wood table, packed tighten than a can of sardines.

Only recently, Friday and today, has this de facto segregation come to an end with the presence of one occasional boiler room male intern, who squeezed into the only available workspace at the table with the female lackeys. But how long will integration last? And is this truly intergration? In the famous words of Mr. King, "Why can't we all just get along?" I don't know...maybe cooties do really exist.


dissident boiler room lackey said...

In all fairness, the women CHOSE to remain at the conference table when there were still spots available at the new desks. The fact that another male intern subsequently joined the Boiler Room with no place to sit but the open spot at the new desk is not the fault of the men. Do we need to send hand-written invitations to our female colleagues next time? (Actually, with one of the female lackeys throwing around thank you cards left and right, maybe that's exactly what she was waiting for.)

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, the women are much more welcoming at their table. Even with the lack of space, they graciously clear out a spot for me every time I come into the office. Except for Lindsay. She gives me dirty looks every time I walk in.

dissident boiler room lackey said...

No, in all fairness, Sporadic Lackey (a woman, needless to say) was actually welcomed by the men at one of their make-shift work surfaces for two weeks before the staff decided to shoe-horn another full-time male lackey into the Boiler Room.

Besides, the female lackeys sit around the conference table gossiping (especially when Sporadic Lackey joins in) like it's a quilting bee. I think it's more a case of the women circling the wagons than the men segregating themselves.

Anonymous Boiler Room Lackey said...

Dissident boiler room lackey needs to get a life and stay out of the maternity wards. No one complains when the men gather together and talk about hotdog eating competitions with bears or the millions of other insignificant and ridiculous things that require you all to raise your voices and laugh at the top of your lungs only to rudely disturb the ladies as they work tirelessly for the Boilermaster.

Anonymous said...

It was Kobayashi in a hot dot eating contest against a bear! I think the men were doing everyone a favor by showing it to the boiler room.
And really, is it any better or worse than discussing the Macarena?