Thursday, June 14, 2007

Desperate Lackey Seeks Suitable Companion

Unsuccessful in his recent efforts prowling the maternity ward, and offended by subsequent low-brow offers of female companionship, the Bioler Room's cleanest, best-pressed, haute couture'd, continental laquai-about-town seeks suitably high-brow dame (a.k.a., hot momma) for stimulating liaisons and perhaps some baked brie (or an equally sophisticated "taco puff").

Definitely NOT interested in pity-induced consolation. (That gets old after a while.)


laumann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Dissident Boiler Room Lackey,

No one seems to appreciate this post but the real question is why were you up at 3 whatever in the morning?

-Your boiler room compatriots

dissident boiler room lackey said...

This post is crap! I'm offended that you would think I had anything to do with it. (But how could anyone be sharp and witty at that hour of the night, anyway.)

dissident boiler room lackey said...

I'm curious, though, what the deleted comment said. (Rest assured, the Dissident knows how to hold a grudge.)