Friday, June 29, 2007

The Big Snub!

Last week the Boilermaster and other staff invited all the lackeys to lunch at Mel's greasy spoon, but only one lackey actually took them up on the offer. The disillusioned Boilermaster complained for days -- including at yesterday morning's case review meeting -- about the unspirited, overly health-conscious interns who turned down the golden opportunity to hobnob with their supervisors over fried food.

The result? Two of the lackeys comspicuously absent from Mel's last week get an exclusive, hush-hush invitation to accompany the Boilermaster and Boilerminions to the delicious and healthy lunch buffet at Indian restaurant Milan.

The other lackeys? SNUBBED! (Including the one who had the good sense and manners to accept the Mel's invite last week.) The interns toiling away in the Boiler Room only found out about the A-list outing afterwards, from the rave reviews of the two chosen (pampered) lackeys. (Piping hot nan bread, fresh from the tandoor!)

What are we to learn from this gross injustice? Is this a bitter lesson about the ubiquity of social-Darwinian discrimination? Should we embrace the cynical wisdom of our peers working at firms this summer, enduring such social cruelties in exchange for roughly $2500.00 per week?

(We have a feeling "the skit" is getting shorter and darker by the day. )

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