Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DOJ doesn't want you

[I'm a little embarrassed to say that I did the image]
[full disclosure: I'm VP of the American Constitution Society at UVa and feel personally attacked]

Sorry, people, but having Legal Aid on your resume might make you un-hirable at the DOJ. You're just too liberal, and the DOJ is supposed to be a conservative Republican think-tank and litigation shop. What, you think the DOJ should even-handedly serve America? Now you really won't get hired.

New York Times:
A report by the Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that “many qualified candidates” were rejected for the department’s honors program because of what was perceived as a liberal bias. Those practices, the report concluded, “constituted misconduct and also violated the department’s policies and civil service law that prohibit discrimination in hiring based on political or ideological affiliations.”

ACS Blog:
12 of 13 applicants for the DOJ’s Summer Law Intern Program who were affiliated with ACS were “deselected” for job interviews, while none of the 12 applicants who were Federalist Society members received such treatment and all did receive interviews. All seven candidates for the Honors Program who indicated that they were ACS members were deselected by the Screening Committee for interviews, while 2 of 29 applicants who indicated that they were members of the Federalist Society were deselected.


Slackey McSlackerson said...

Nice graphic. Rough translation: "our justice is this for that"? Let the Legal Aid blacklisting begin and God bless a strong unitary executive/political machine.

Jason McKim said...

Yes, Mr. McSlackerson. I was going for, roughly, "Quid Pro Quo is our [idea of] justice." It's also known as the "When You're Good to Mama" style of legal thinking.