Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Give it up for the Reverend....

Jason "The Preacher Man" McKim!  Jason is an electronically ordained minister through the United Life Church and is legally licensed to perform weddings. The Universal Life Church has two beliefs: (1) do good, and (2) respect other religions. Simple enough, right?

Jason's credentials of ministry are available in PDF format at http://people.virginia.edu/~jdm2fb/Credentials%20of%20Ministry.pdf

The voters in this last poll were remarkably accurate in choosing the correct intern. When asked why, one voter responded "Jason just seems like the type of person who would do something crazy and stupid like that." Ahem.

1 comment:

Michael C said...

"Jason just seems like the type of person who would do something crazy and stupid like that."

Wow... I got ordained the same way, but crazy and stupid were words I, or anyone else I've talked to about it, never used. I would have to assume this person is one who follows one the "traditional" religions, therefore presumes anything "outside of their box" to be unacceptable. If they read-up on the ULC some, they may find how bigoted that approach is.

Just my 2-cents... Peace.