Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hotter than WHAT?!

Friday's quote of the day did not come from office conversation.  Instead it came from the waiter at Miller's (where we were, celebrating Andy's birthday).  Upon serving us chili cheese fries, the waiter cautioned us:

"Careful with these fries.  They're hotter than two lesbians fighting over a jug of canola oil in a phone booth."  

Feel free to comment on this. 


Jason McKim said...

Look, since the two lesbians are still fighting over the jug of canola oil, it logically can't be true that the canola oil has yet spilled all over the place. Also, it's a little creepy that they want this jug of canola oil so much. Therefore, the fries actually were not as hot as they might appear at first glance, a conclusion of pure reason that was supported by empirical data gathered by eating the fries. Ergo, Leibniz was wrong.

Rule 12 (f) said...

Was that what he said? You know, the whole evening gets a little hazy . . . =)