Monday, June 04, 2012

At least we keep all our posts up

Friday, for reasons that are not very clear, the BunkBeds wrote an incredibly complimentary and truthful post, and then immediately redacted it.  Apparently there is some dissention within the ranks of that rank back room, and all we can say is: we support you anonymous poster!  Keep strong and true!  We recognize your sacrifice, and hope you aren't being punished too violently, we know how savage things in that room can get....

Fortunately, I was able to copy the post before it was taken down, and personally we at the Boiler Room think it would be a crime against humanity to allow it to go unread by the total 7 shared viewers that the two blogs have.  Therefore, for your reading pleasure, here is that incredibly nice post:

Since we really don't do that much work, especially when compared to the Boiler Room, I figured I'd sit down and write a short post. This is a pretty important post in my opinion, and I'd like to set a few things straight. I would like to apologize for any perceived slight or challenge to the Boiler Room's dominance. Really, in the LAJC blog rankings, there's no question as to which comes out on top. We're incredibly grateful to have the Boiler Room to look up to and to use as a shining example of not only what a Legal Aid blog is supposed to be, but what perfect interns look like as well. They really have it all put together. I mean, just look at that stellar group of individuals. Always impeccably dressed, they put the business into "business casual". The dulcet Scottish and Zimbabwean accents are perfect for putting clients at ease and turning roaring opponents into mewing kittens. The feedback that has already come in has their clients not believing that they aren't lawyers (even though the Boiler Room interns compete oh so professionally to see how many times they can make that disclaimer), and indeed, since they aren't allowed to give legal advice, most clients desperately seek their advice in other non-legal matters, including fashion tips, voting preferences, and really just general life-guidance. Really, they are less interns and more life coaches, for everyone who comes into contact with them. Their record speaks for itself: within the first day they had already closed a case, and we can only guess that they must now be in the hundreds. How many times have we watched them on their way to the kitchen and just reveled in awe at their magnificence? We can't even imagine what glorious child Baby Mama is going to bring into the world, being incubated in such an amazing room with those five amazing individuals. We hear "I Am Not a Lawyer" has actually finished memorizing the entire Virginia code, and the other intern has created fifteen new Lean Cuisine recipes in his spare time that actually taste good and can fill a normal person's stomach. Basically, what it boils down to (see what I did there?) is that we just wanted to tell the world how amazing it is to work just down the convoluted hall from such a spectacular group of people, a group that we feel proud to look up to as mentors, who we can only hope will share some of their comprehensive knowledge about the law, and really the world.

Thank you Boiler Room, we feel proud just saying we breathe the same air as you do.

(Please note we mean no disrespect to the Birdcage in this post, we realize you guys are better than us too.)


Pippi said...

hmm I see you took my advice and decided to post on your OWN blog El Panadero. There is hope for you yet. For those who would like to read my advice to Panadero. The title of the post is "Pathetic" and you can find it here:

I think is fairly obvious who the envious blogger is in this relationship. . .

Highlander said...

We in the Boiler Room have sunlight, laughter and enough home baking to sustain our mission for weeks. We can only wonder in amazement as to why anyone would believe we are envious of the BunkBeds.