Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Best and the Brightest

We didn't actually see steam coming out of anyone's ears, but there was definitely some extra heat in the Boiler Room before lunch today, with neurons firing en masse for an intense half-hour stretch.

The subject of this rigorous deliberation? The 4th Circuit's standard for the exhaustion of administrative remedies, or the vaguaries of the provision of FAPE in special ed? Child's play. How to game the lottery system when registering for next year's classes, or strategies for targeting firms for on-grounds-interviews? Yawn.

The problem looked something like this: we're ordering pizza; 13 people in on the order; 5 want cheese pizza, 4 want veggie, 3 want pepperoni, 1 wants veggie with no cheese; we have two 2-for-1 coupons.

Impossible to please everyone and remain economical? Not when you throw some of the best young minds from one of the best law schools in the country at the problem. In a mere half-hour of adding, dividing, recalculating, guessing, and bickering, the Boiler Room lackeys (and a intern returned from exile) got close enough to put their money down on some pizza orders.

The pizzas arrived. Lackeys and staff dug in, chatted, laghued, had seconds. And in the end? With a last-minute tweak of the order by the lackey in exile, the results were amazingly accurate.

And to think that our classmates with corporate internships this summer, getting lavished with meals at company expense, never have to face such quandaries. How can they possibly know the thrill of beating such odds?

Kind of makes it all worth it....

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